Saturday, June 1, 2019

"Murder On Board" released today

New fiction novel "Murder On Board" is released today 1st June 2019. 
I thought I'd share with you the feedback from one of the Beta Readers who I think summed the book  up nicely with the following words:

"I really enjoyed this book. Some of the references had me chuckling.  

I thought you had really strong characters and it was a pleasure getting to know them.

I also enjoyed the information you shared on all the places you visited.

The only negative thought I had was it seemed a little long. Almost too much information but after thinking about it. I don't see how you could leave anything out. 

All in all, I'd give you 5-stars for this creation."

Thank you, whoever you were, I couldn't have hoped for a better review!

Click below to purchase a copy: