Tuesday, December 19, 2017

99 pence 5 star thriller to use as a stocking filler

Give the perfect Christmas gift of a thrilling read for just 99 cents! Yes "Murder in Maspalomas" is for sale this Christmas week at just 99 cents. Give the reader in your life a Christmas thrill with a story that starts in freezing Ireland but ends up in the balmy Canary Islands. A book that drives onwards and dispenses with the fluffy bits to keep the pages turning your gift will transfix your recipient. Make a reader happy this Christmas and buy a copy of "Murder in Maspalomas" an Amazon and Kindle bestseller.

 Murder in Maspalomas

Friday, December 1, 2017

Winter Chill and how to escape it

Today as we experience freezing conditions in Dublin, Ireland my mind escapes to the Canary Islands and the wonderful holiday we took there in Ireland's last cold snap. Within 6 hours we were transported from deep winter to balmy summer climate of the Gran Canaria. For the next fortnight, it was where's the suncream, pass me my book and can you get me another ice-cream?

Well if you have the time and a few hundred euro you can visit your travel agent or book online to stay in a hotel or go self -catering in apartments all over the island. However, if time and money don't allow you to escape right now then settle in for a few hours of relaxing reading with my crime novel Murder in Maspalomas available on Kindle, Amazon and Smashwords right now!

To get a flavour of the book please click on the tab "Look Inside Book" and discover one of its characters, Maureen, hard at work tracking down our hunted couple hiding out in Maspalomas.

For a Christmas read or a present for a crime reader you know this novel is the perfect stocking filler.

Of course you can buy it online at any of the sites and links below:
Amazon.com have it in paperback
Smashwords have it and the formats available are epub, mobi (Kindle),  pdf,  lrf,  pdb, txt , Online Reader, original document.